I am delighted to announce I have accepted an invitation from Formatt-Hitech to become one of their UK brand ambassadors.

Not many people associate wildlife photography with filters but I often use a polariser and ND soft graduated filters when I photograph wider ‘wildlife in the landscape / habitat’ shots, or compositions which include a lot of sky as negative space.

I’ve been testing some ND graduated filters from their ‘Firecrest Ultra’ range and I’m incredibly impressed. These are the same filters used in filming recent Star Wars movies!

Alan Hewitt Wildlife Photographer & UK Formatt-Hitech Brand Ambassador

I’m incredibly impressed with the Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters, they have incredible neutrality and maintain excellent sharpness. The holder system is well thought out, especially the mechanics of adding and adjusting the polariser and the filters fit with very reassuring confidence.

I also have a range of filters and holders which I can make available for guests on photography holidays and workshops. Plus a discount code I can pass on too!
