Towards the end of 2017 I bought a Fujifilm X-T2 and 18-55mm ‘kit’ lens as a replacement for my increasingly unreliable Nikon 28-70 f/2.8. It’s not the obvious alternative, nor is it absolutely comparable. I’m not going to bore anybody with my full detailed reasoning, other than saying I am very keen to lighten the weight of my camera bag when I am travelling back and forth between the UK and Africa. I always take a wide angle / mid-range zoom lens for ‘wildlife in the landscape’ photography.
Despite hearing a fair bit of negativity from photographers who pontificated about unresponsive and slow autofocus, poor ergonomics, unintuitive menu systems and dreadful battery life, I continued with my own research and decided to find out for myself. As always, the good people at the Newcastle upon Tyne branch of London Camera Exchange were very helpful and offered a good trade in price on some of my older unused gear. I also attended a Fujifilm evening at Digitalab in Newcastle upon Tyne with Fujifilm ambassador, Matt Hart and Technical Specialist, Nathan Wake which was very interesting and useful.
This blog post isn’t intended as a formal review, it’s more of an evolving account of my experiences and thoughts.

Fujifilm X-T2, Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-f/4 R LM OIS.
With the battery and memory card in place and the 18-55mm f/2.8-f/4 lens attached, the first thing to put a smile on my face is just how light it feels. In fact, it is lighter than just my Nikon 28-70mm lens alone! Despite this, the X-T2’s magnesium alloy body construction feels solid, as does the metal bodied 18-55mm lens.
I can’t help but appreciate the fusion of retro-design and modern photographic technology. The lens aperture ring, engineered dials for shutter speed, ISO and exposure compensation are a throw back to a more vintage style of camera. Underneath these dials we can access some of the features of a more modern camera system. For a relatively small camera we have the benefit of large 3 inch 1040k monitor screen with a very robust hinge and tilting mechanism.
Contrary to some of the negativity I heard before I bought the camera, I found navigating the menu system to be intuitive and it is easy to find settings quickly. In principle it feels like a similar process to that which I am used to on my Nikon cameras.
Shortly after purchasing my X-T2 I began working on a new commission for Digital Photographer magazine (see tear sheets). I used my X-T2 and 18-55mm lens for the first time as part of this. Upon publishing, I was delighted and encouraged to see one of these photographs as the main shot for my feature.

‘Wide angle wildlife’ – Editorial work for Digital Photographer magazine with the Fujifilm X-T2 and 18-55mm f/2.8-f/4
It is the first time I have used a camera with an Electronic Viewfinder for any length of time. The live exposure, histogram and flashing hightlights are incredibly useful, especially when working in constantly changing light with different species. I always stress the importance of being able to operate a camera without taking your eye away from the viewfinder. Reviewing a photograph and adjusting menu settings in the viewfinder is therefore a most welcome advantage too. I’ve found using the camera’s ‘Performance Boost’ improves upon EVF lag but it’s not bad to start with.
Battery life is a negative point, it is rated to just 340 shots. But, we have to be realistic! With such an incredibly versatile and fast EVF, we have to expect a hit on battery life. The viewfinder can be set so it is activated automatically when your eye is detected so this helps. Nevertheless, I bought an additional battery a couple of days later!
I also spent time using the film simulations in camera and also as profiles in Adobe Lightroom. So far I’ve found ‘Provia’ to be a superb starting point to add a few simple Lightrooms tweaks to. The ‘Chrome’ setting has a great feel to it and I’ve been pleased with results of this simulation, especially in low winter sunlight. I have to say though, I found ‘Velvia’ a bit too much for my tastes! It’s been fun and interesting to experiment with these in Lightroom.
Kit lenses are often mid-range zooms of variable quality. They can be capable of very good results but often in limiting circumstances, e.g. f/8 – f/11 and around the mid-focal length range. So step forward the Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-f/4… Metal construction, metal mount, very little distortion and sharp across the range, non-rotating front element and 4 stops of stabilisation. This is no ordinary kit lens! If you believe price is an indicator of quality, you may be interested to know this lens alone retails between £600 – £700.
My X-T2 kit wasn’t purchased to replace my main camera, I maintained that my Nikon gear would still be my wildlife photography ‘workhorse’. Despite this, I was curious to evaluate the X-T2 autofocus with moving wildlife, in particular the focus tracking of subjects such as birds in flight. I couldn’t do this with my 18-55mm ‘kit’ lens, but a friend kindly loaned me a Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6.
While visiting a local wildlife reserve I photographed a couple of greylag geese flying over the reed beds. Not the most difficult of subjects to photograph in flight by any means but I was pleased with the sequence of shots using the zone focussing for the first time, especially considering the negativity I had heard about the autofocus.

Who said you can’t track moving wildlife with a X-T2? Greylag Goose, Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6.
My time with flying subjects was limited but given these early and encouraging results I am keen to explore the autofocus capability further. I was also pleased with the overall quality of the 100-400mm lens. The sharpness is very good and the optical stability very effective. The build quality is excellent and the lens also feels very light. Being used to my Nikon 200-400 f/4 which also needs a tripod for extended use, using the 100-400mm handheld without any strain feels incredibly liberating too!

Greylag Goose in flight II, Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6.
I was also loaned a Fujinon 1.4x teleconverter with the 100-400mm. I admit to brushing this aside at first as I’ve never had acceptable results with teleconverters on zoom lenses using Nikon and Canon equipment. I’ve found either the point of focus to be soft or the background out of focus elements to be too harsh and contrasty.
I spent a couple of hours in a woodland bird hide where 400mm was still a bit too short. I had the teleconverter in my bag so I grudgingly attached it to the lens and and give it a try. After all, it would be silly not to!
Well, I am amazed…

Nuthatch, Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 with 1.4x.
I’ve never known such clarity and sharpness from a zoom lens with a teleconverter. The combination gives a focal length of 560mm but with the X-T2 APS-C sensor, an equivalent field of view of 840mm. As expected, the autofocus slows down due to the f/8 aperture but in the right circumstances, this is certainly a useable combination.

Grey Heron, Fuji X-T2 & 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 & 1.4x Teleconverter
Battery life feels disappointing but I’ve already touched on this above and I can accept this given the versatility and the quality of the EVF brings to my photography. I’d also prefer a dedicated AF-On button, you can of course assign AF-On to the AE-L button but it doesn’t feel ergonomic for thumb placement. At present I’m at a loss to understand the metered shutter speed display disappearing from the viewfinder when using aperture priority with the Shutter AE set to off in AF-C to maintain metering while panning. Admittedly this last point may be user error but I’ve researched it on the internet and noticed a few others sharing the same experience.
Photography with the Fujifilm X-T2 is a pleasure. I feel like I am enjoying using a camera again, it’s a much more tactile and enjoyable experience, more than just taking photographs. In comparison, my Nikon cameras now just feel like tools. I suppose cameras are just tools, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy using them, does it?
The more I use the Fujifilm system, the more impressed I become.
I’ve spent a fair bit of time researching the potential costs of buying some more Fujifilm equipment as I’d like to use the system a lot more in Skye, South Africa and Kenya. Financially, I can’t do this without shedding a fair amount of my Nikon system and it’s certainly not practical to carry two systems, especially when weight is such a key factor. Ultimately, I don’t feel ready to lose the security blanket of my Nikon D500 and 200-400mm f/4.
I described this as an evolving blog post which I would amend as my experiences of using the X-T2 and researching the Fuji X system continued.

Great Spotted Woodpecker, Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 & 1.4x.
I’ve continued to research Fujinon lens prices and found time to delve deeper into the X-T2 autofocus settings. I’ve looked at making changes to the number of AF points available within the zone AF setting and also the tracking sensitivity options. I’ve also researched making a few more customisations for access to settings and also understood the benefits of using the X-T2 ‘boost mode’ which improves AF performance and EVF refresh rate.
Newsflash! After a lot of thought, hesitation and research… I no longer own any Nikon cameras or lenses! Instead, my small collection of Fujifilm gear, the X-T2 and 18-55mm ‘kit’ lens has been boosted by a Fujinon 50-140mm f/2.8, 100-400mm f/5.6, 1.4x Teleconverter and a Power Booster Grip for my X-T2. I’ve also ordered the new X-H1 and its own Power Booster Grip which were announced on 15th February.

All change at Alan Hewitt Photography! In addition, I’m hoping to take delivery of the new Fujifilm X-H1 on March 1st.
The Power Booster Grips offer a more ergonomic grip for portrait format photography, extra battery space, in-situ battery charging, increased autofocus performance and frames per second rates. The new X-H1 has the same sensor as the X-T2 and includes a dedicated AF-On button, a top plate LCD monitor and increased autofocous performance, including f/8 to f/11. It also offers more than 5 stops of in-body image stabilisation, increased durability, improved video modes and a new film simulation. I’m hoping to take delivery on 1st March, just in time for our Highlands and Eagles Isle of Skye Photography Tour! Going forward I envisage the X-H1 being my main camera with the X-T2 on a second lens. I can’t wait to get going on Skye, on the Farne Islands and out on the Savannahs of the Masai Mara and the Lowveld of the Greater Kruger in South Africa!
I’ve had a chance to look at the grip this morning, to give it its full designation…. the VPB-XT2 Vertical Power Booster Grip.
I used to use grips a few years back with my Nikon D200, D300 and D700. More recently with the D500 and D800 I became a bit disillusioned with their overall usefulness in terms of adding features and value, especially for their price.
The VBP-XT2 is just as expensive but it offer a lot more than just ergonomics. Firstly, it allows us to use three batteries at the same time and interestingly these can be charged in-situ using an AC power adaptor (included) which plugs into the grip. I can see this being very useful when travelling and trying to keep weight to a minimum. The grip also provides a dedicated switch for the performance boost mode. A key advantage with this is that it alows me to re-assign something else to the method of doing this in camera, probably AF related. We can also ‘lock’ the shutter button to prevent accidental use when the camera is not being used in portrait format.
Ergonomically, the recessed grip feels comfortable and it helps make the overall camera fit my shovel-like hands! The build quality is superb and once attached it really feels like part of the camera rather then an afterthought or an add-on.
Fujifilm have put a lot of thought into this grip. It is feature-rich, and designed with versatility and the needs of different users in mind as well as convenience. It’s not just about following the herd!

Fujifilm X-H1 & Fujinon 50-140mm f/2.8
I’ve had the chance to get hands-on with the newly annnounced Fujifilm X-H1 this morning (19th February) at a preview event with Fujifilm at the Newcastle upon Tyne branch of London Camera Exchange.
The most obvious and noticeable feature is the significantly larger and more recessed grip which also extends to the VPB-XH1 Power Grip. Ergonomically, this feels more DSLR like in the hand and it helps make lenses like the 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 and 50-140mm f/2.8 feel a lot more balanced.
The magnesium body is even more solid than the XT-2, 25% more to be exact thanks to a thicker body design.
The illuminated top plate LCD monitor is also something DSLR users may be more familiar with. Interestingly and usefully, the light text and dark background can be reversed for personal choice or to make viewing easier in different light. In addition, the LCD information can be customised to to show key settings for personal preferences.
The inclusion of a dedicated AF-On button is welcome and the tradtional top exposure compensation dial is replaced with a more DSLR-like button and dial on the grip. The EVF feels brighter and is a higher resolution than the XT-2.
The mechanical shutter has been redesigned and is remarkably quiet – at first I thought I was using the electronic shutter and hearing one of the audible feedback options! The shutter button position and angle is also another DSLR like feature.
There isn’t much autofocus testing you can do in a shop without a memory card, that said the X-H1 does feel more responsive than the XT-2. It is the same physical autofocus system as the X-T2 but has an updated algorithm. Focusing at f/11 is also possible although I didn’t try this. I look forward to testing to see if this increase will make the 100-400mm lens and 1.4 converter more repsonsive at f/8.
The new 5 axis IBIS, ‘In Body Image Stabilisation’ worked noticeably well on a lens without in-built OIS. When using a lens which includes OIS the X-H1 will intelligently choose a combination of lens and body stabilisation for optimum efficiency. Longer lenses will utilise their own OIS for pitch, for example.
The VBP-XH1 grip is a lot like the X-T2 in terms of features and ergonmics. Together, the grip and camera use the same NP-W126S battery as the XT-2 which is very handy as I will be using these cameras together. As an added bonus, the VPB-XH1 ships with two batteries included. Great news!
Delivery is still scheduled for 1st March but this is not guaranteed. I have my fingers firmly crossed!
I’ve had a chance to get out and use my own Fujinon 100-400mm lens and teleconverter. I’m pleased to report that my experience is consistent with the loan versions which have since been returned to their owner. I don’t think I have ever used a telephoto zoom lens which covers this range and is as sharp throughout, especially with a 1.4 teleconverter. It is an outstanding lens.
I’m a little stuck for variety of subjects at the moment so it has been more woodland birds. As much as I enjoy our native woodland birds, I am looking forward to getting up to the Isle of Skye next week to point the new lenses at some White Tailed Sea Eagles and later this year on photography trips with clients, at some African mega-fauna! Downsizing has also left me needing another bag! My bags were bought to fit a 200-400 f/4 with the body attached and the Fujifilm gear is much smaller. I’m picking up my X-H1 tomorrow at London Camera Exchange and they also have a good selection of bags to look at too.

Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 Wood Pigeon

Great Spotted Woodpecker, Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 & 1.4x.
I’m now a couple of months into using the X-H1 now so I thought it was time for a bit of an update. This will be the last update to this post as I am now well into writing a more formal review of the X-H1. The keen-eyed readers may note that I’ve changed the title of this post too. What started as ‘dipping my toe’ into the world of mirrorless cameras with the Fujifilm X-T2 and a mid-range zoom quickly evolved into a full system change and to an extent, a different way of working too. So, a title change seemed appropriate!
It was quite difficult to get out with the X-H1 due to the adverse weather conditions we experienced, namely the ‘Beast from the East’. I’ve been making up for lost time though with Red Squirrels, Great Crested Grebes, more woodland birds and one of my favourite subjects, Puffins. A trip to the Isle of Skye in March also threw me back in to the world of landscape photography! Sadly our planned White Tailed Sea Eagle trips were hit by adverse weather, we saw plenty but the light was absolutely terrible.

Red Squirrel, Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon 50-140mm f/2.8
Wandering around with the X-H1 and the 100-400mm attached to a Black Rapid shoulder strap has been incredibly liberating compared to lugging around the Nikon DSLRs, 200-400 f/4, tripod and head. In turn, this has increased the enjoyment of my work. I continue to be astonished by the quality the 1.4x teleconverter when attached to the 100-400mm but I tend not to use it with the 50-140mm, I just reach for the 100-400mm instead. I have tested the 50-140mm combination and as expected, it is fantastic. I prefer to use the telconverter in brighter light conditions where shooting at f/8 isn’t a problem. I think the teleconverter is better at maintaing sharp detail when using it to photograph smaller things which are still quite close where you want to fill the frame rather than subjects which are larger yet more distant.

Great Crested Grebes, Fujifilm X-H1 & Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 & 1.4x
The change to Fujifilm has also unexpectedly rekindled my passion of a spot of landscape photography. As I’ve mentioned somewhere further up this ever-expanding blog post, photography with the Fujifilm is an enjoyable and tactile experience and sitting amongst the dramtic scenery of Skye was quite inspiring. Shedding kilograms from my camera bag has allowed me to carry a bit more gear than I would have done previously. There is room for a few filters now, as well as a wide angle lens so when the opportunity presents itself, as it did in abundance on the Isle of Skye, I’m enjoying tinkering again…

Isle Ornsay, Isle of Skye, Fujifilm X-H1 & Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6 & 3 stop grad

Elgol, Isle of Skye, Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-f/4 & 6 stop ND filter
More recently I managed to get to Northumberland’s Farne Islands, one of my favourite patches to photograph Puffins which are beginning their breeding season. I was told over and over again that a mirrorless camera just wouldn’t have the AF performance I had enjoyed with cameras such as my Nikon D500 and I would see the end of wildlife action photography. Well, challenge accepted and disproved!

Atlantic Puffin, Fujifilm X-H1 & Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6

Atlantic Puffin, Fujifilm X-H1 & Fujinon 100-400mm f/4.5-f/5.6
I’m still very happy with this change and I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. I’m looking forward to continuing using the system over the next few months, particularly on the Farne Islands and on my trips leading photography safaris to South Africa’s Greater Kruger and Kenya’s Masai Mara.
Before I end this longest ever blog post, I’d like to mention my appreciation of Fujifilm’s Kaizen philosophy. Fujifilm have pushed out significant firmware updates to the X-T2, but not just bug fixes. The last update introduced 120 fps 1080p and F-log video, focus bracketing, improved phase detection AF and f/8 to f/11 minimum aperture. Also, enlarging, customising and positioning of information in the LCD and viewfinder. It is great to know that Fujifilm are working on continuously improving their older cameras and pushing their hardware abilities as much as possible. I’ve seen Nikon and Canon release updated camera models with less improvements to write about!
I have to note my appreciation to some very helpful people. Firstly, the very good folks at the Newcastle upon Tyne branch of London Camera Exchange for their guidance, ideas and overall help with my transition to a new camera system. It’s a great camera shop with very helpful and knowledgeable staff and it’s a pleasure to do business there. Also, thank you to Nathan Wake and John Dallas at Fujifilm and Matt Hart of Fujiholics for their valuable advice.
Did you not look at Sony as a possibility?
Briefly, yes. But I’ve never really found the Sony cameras, particlarly the menu systems to be intuitive.
Hi Alan,
I work in a camera shop and we just had the X-H1 in store to try, it’s amazing, the EVF is brighter with now lag. The auto focus button feels softer. The shutter is so quite and the grip is a lot deeper and feels great in the hand.
I use a Fujifilm GFX50s and have a Nikon D850 but would get rid of Nikon if only Fujifilm brought out a longer zoom or prime other than the 100-400mm like you said.
Yes, I’d like to see more choice at the telephoto end, maybe something at f/4 and some primes. But, a lot of my rationale has been about saving weight too and as we know, wide aperture zooms and primes often equals size and weight!
I’m looking forward to getting hands on with the X-H1 tomorrow at LCE Newcastle’s preview event.
Hi Alan, thank you for thoughts. I’m pleased to find you from twitter and have read this with great interest. I am also thinking about changing to Fuji from a canon cameras and lenses. Your blog has helped a lot but I have a few questiuns can I email you please?
Yes Penny, no problems….
Big change for you, hope it all works out and I look forwards to following your experience.
Thanks Cho, I hope to blog regularly about this transition and I’ll also be writing some content for a couple of other websites (Nature TTL and Fujiholics).
Brilliant blog, great to hear an account with a personal feel to your transition. I like to read your criticism too, consturctive and honest.
Thanks Joseph. I like to be honest and constructive and where I feel something is a negative it needs a mention.
Nikon rule you asshole
So come on, drop the BS its truth time. How much are Fuji or London Camera shop paying you or how much free gear did they throw at you?
If I received anything like you suggest then I would have been rather pleased and would mention it! For the record, neither London Camera Exchange nor Fujifilm have payed me anything or given me any free equipment.
Would you use the 100-400 lens when you are in Africa?
Absolutely Alison. I favour zoom lenses when I’m in Africa as we find ourselves photographing such a variation of mammals and birds of different sizes at different distances. It’s also good to take in habitat, other species or go close in for detail too. I find primes can be quite restrictive. My experience so far is that the 100-400mm will be an excellent option. It has the quality, versatility and it in the grander scheme of things, it’s light too! One of the many factors which drove my transition was the quality of the 100-400 with the 1.4x converter attached which I’m hoping will improve my bird photography in Africa.
Great blog, I think you’ve got me convinced to do the same but I alseo need to sell a lot of Nikon gear. My big concern is batterys, it seems you think this too though. What is the battry life like for the XT1 and new XH1?
The X-T2 battery life is based upon CIPA standards and according to Fujifilm it is 340 frames. The X-T1 was rated at 350 shots and the new X-H1 at 310 frames. But it is difficult to make comparisons of efficiency as the X-H1 uses an older battery than the X-T2 and X-H1 and there are many advantages of the latter which do draw on the battery. It’s certainly worth having spares.
Like Jose said the Sony is a great camera but the the menu is a nightmare. The biggest problem with any Sony is when it come to having it repaired. Sony will NOT give spares to repairers other than Sony repairers, which means none. So if you need a repair you have to send it to them.. then that’s when the fun starts. All I can say is good luck with that. Plus the cost of lenses, get a mortgage out.
That’s interesting Frank. I have heard some poor reports of after sales service too.
It seems like a lot of people are doing the same Alan and yes, I’m thinking about this too. I’m not sure about Sony, Fujifilm etc etc. To be honest it’s a bit of a minefield! Is there any chance we can arrange a couple of hours to have a look at your new kit in a practical setting? Maybe in a bird hide or Farne Islands? I’m down your way a fair bit these days and I’ll happily pay you for your time again.
Morning Paul, hope you are well! Yes, that’s no problem at all – probably better to wait until I get the X-H1 which will be March if all goes to plan. I’ve got your email address so I’ll drop you a line nearer the time.
Please tell me what application(s) you use to process your fuji raw files! Nicely rendered!
Hi Geoff, thank you! I use Adobe Lightroom. I’ve been experimenting a fair bit with the X-T2 and looking at the film simulations. These can be applied in camera or applied in Lightroom as a profile during editing / processing. For most of these photographs I started with the ‘Provia’ or ‘Chrome’ simulations then tweaking other controls such as white balance, black and white points, contrast etc.
Welcome to the world of mirrorless, may the EVF be with you!
Thank you Sandy, EVF technology has certainly come on along way in the last couple of years.
Is the X-H1 going in the wrong direction though, is it a mirrorless regressing into a DSLR?
I don’t think it is regressing. I think it’s adding a more ergonomic build option to the X-T2 which feels better with longer / heavier lenses. If you didn’t want these options then the X-T2 may be more appropriate.
How is XH-1 feel using with grip not fixed
Hi Stefano, it still feels larger and more DSLR like than the X-T2 does and the recessed grip still helps with ergonomics. The grip isn’t a necessary addition but I do like their features as well as the ergonmic advantage. Really it is the best of both worlds, we can remove it to save space and weight if necessary.
My only real fear is the X-H1 with the grip and particularly the 100-400mm is now approaching the same weight and size of a DSLR without the ‘benifits’ of FF. I’m too heavily invested in Fuji to change back though.
Hi Gavin, I think it is Fujifilm providing options and opening up their products more to the wishlists of wildlife and sports photographers. If a photographer didn’t feel their photography could benefit from the ergonomics of the X-H1 the natural choice would perhaps be the X-T2. The X-H1 is still significantly lighter than something like the Nikon D500 and more again than a full frame with an equivalent build quality.
The acid test for bird photography is small birds, rapid movement and complex backgrounds. Think warblers. Does the X-H1 do any better than the X-T2? Thanks.
Hi Andrew, I think it’s more than an acid test! I struggle to track small passerine birds in flight with just my eyes nevermind a camera! I’ve photographed small birds in flight but not by using any camera’s focus tracking, more so by pre-focussing on predicted flight paths to perches, using good light and a deep depth of field. I don’t think there are many people who enjoy consistent success photographing small birds like this in flight by panning and focus tracking with a long lens.
It’s sad that you’ve betrayed Nikon and sold out. There is no loyalty in the word anymore.
Hi Piers, I’m not sure if you are being serious or not!
Piers… Get a life !!
Thank you for writing all of this out for people Alan. You may remember we were talking about mirrorless cameras on the boat to the Farne Islands last year and I remember you saying you were interested in looking at the latest Fujifilm cameras to see how they have developed. I’ve also been looking at moving and I love the Fujifilm cameras. Although I am not in need of the same standard of kit as you, you have certainly helped me make my mind up and I’m going to buy a X-T2 this afternoon! I’m soooo excited now I’ve finally decided! I don’t think my husband will be as excited as I am though! Thank you, p.s. I’m going to book up for your 2019 Kenya trip!!
Hi Suzanna, Wow! Lovely to hear from you! It’s great to hear I have helped you decide – I understand how much of a difficult decision it can be. I appreciate the guidance and advice I have been given so it’s good to hear I can do the same. Let me know how you get on (not with your husband, with your new camera!). I’ll email you about Kenya too, it will be great to have you onboard! I can’t wait to see your face when you see your first elephant! thanks, Alan
its stinks that you sold out nikon for fuji and you
Hi Pabz, sorry you feel that way but I don’t understand why anybody connects a business decision about a camera system with selling out, betrayal or other such nonsense. We are talking about a few cameras and lenses, it’s not my local sports team or my children! I have no reason to have such loyalty to Nikon, they’ve made plenty of money from me! In fact, I’ve received more support, guidance and assistance from Fujifilm in 2 weeks than I’ve recieved in 14 years from Nikon.
It looks like you’re facing the wrath of the fan boys, Alan!
It’s a strange thing!
After retiring as a photojournalist (40 years) I switched to the Fuji system from Nikon for weight and travel reasons. Never regretted it. These days I shoot the X-T2 and X-E2 and shoot landscape and wildlife in the South Dakota Black Hills with the long zooms and other lenses. Recently added the 80 macro (sharpest lens in the family I think) An old X-Pro1 was converted to IR for play. They burn through batteries, but so you buy extra batteries. No big thing. Stumbled on your Africa trip and considering that at this time.
Hi Steve, I’m keen to add a 80mm too when finances permit! I’m also pleased to hear that the X-H1, when bought with the power grip, will come with two extra batteries whih gives us the three we need for camera and grip. I’m really pleased with the advantages of an EVF is bringing now that technology is providing (virtually) no lag at all. These advantages far outweigh the battery issue in the grander scheme of things! I’ll drop you an email a little later about Africa.
Hi Alan. Many thanks for such a detailed overview! When in Africa last year with you, I began to find my canon gear rather heavy and since then have been researching mirrorless cameras. Looked at all options and have to admit the Fuji X-T2 was at the top of my list. Your blog has tipped the balance so I am now off to my nearest dealer to investigate further.
Hi Sue, thanks! The new X-H1 is a better bet for wildlife. They will be available 1st March and if all goes to plan I’ll be picking mine up that morning. I envisage the X-H1 being my main camera with the X-T2 for back up and on a shorter / wider second lens. You’ve got my number if you’d like to chat about it!
Why not Sony? Better AF system!!
I haven’t used Sony much more than just a few shots here and there but I’ve spent a while trying to configure clients’ cameras on workshops. I’ve heard good things about their AF (and not so good things!), I’m sure they are very good cameras but what I do not like is the user interface, the menu systems seem very unintuitive and badly organised. Maybe it is just a familiarity issue, I do not know. But anecdotally I know a lot of people agree and I’ve also heard some horror stories about pro-support.
Brilliant it is brilliant to see another willdife photographer using Fuji cameras.
Thank you, I’ll do my best to do them the justice they deserve!
Hi Alan Hewitt. I look forward to seeing your work with the XH1. I am looking at this camera as I am also fed up of the heavier cameras and the lenses. Your birds photograph are incredible and show just how sharp the lenses and the converters can be. Brilliant blog!
Many thanks Charles. I’ll be posting some updates soon once I have used the X-H1. Please let me know if I can offer yo uany guidance.
Nikon D850 and grip with the new zoom and inbuilt converter would have been a much better.
…. and a lot more expensive and heavier. Not really an ideal solution.
You make an engaging argument that the mirrorless system is now able to take over from the DSLr with improving focus and evf. Readong your post has convinced me to go and have a really hard look, but I too like Fuji and I will choose this brand too.
Thanks Rupesh, I’m happy that the improvements we have seen which are in xameras like the X-T2 and X-H1 are able to meet my requirements and I’m enjoying the advantages of the EVF. They are wonderful cameras to use too, enjoyable and functional.
A very interesting blog Alan, have you managed to see what the low light performance is of the body?
Thanks Russel, I’ve used it at ISO 1600 and 2000 and I’m happy I could push it a bit further. I’ve seen some good reviews up at ISO3200 too but haven’t needed to push it that far yet.
Thanks for sharing this Alan, I’ve found it very interesting. I am currently struggling with the weight of all the gear I feel I need to take on a photo shoot and have been considering a similar move. Did you evaluate the latest offerings from Olympus? They do offer a 300mm f4 prime which I feel is something that would be useful in the Fuji line-up. Having said that, their 300mm lens is about the same size & weight as the old Nikon 300mm f4.
I will follow the debate with interest but for now I’ll stick with my heavy Nikon kit!
Thanks, Jim
Hi Jim, I didn’t give the Olympus much thought as I was so taken with the 100-400mm and the 1.4 teleconverter quality, plus I am aware that the Fujifilm lens ‘roadmap’ is showing a 200mm f/2 coming later this year. I’d love to get my hands on one for Africa!
What a great review. I particularly like that you back up your assertions with a decent set of images. Thanks for your time.
Thanks Michael
Your very gushing about fuji kaizen yet don’t mention that fuji replaced the update reverted to old one as it was to buggy
I wrote this before the announcement that they were offering 4.01 to revert back because of some bugs. But, none of this changes the underlying concept that Fujifilm’s principles in extending the life of their existing products through using firmware updates to squeeze every possible advantage out of hardware is something to be applauded.
And how often has such an issue happened with Fuji updates. Rarely. Credit them with sorting the issues out speedily.
Fantastic information. Thank you for sharing your experiences, it has given me food for thought as I also look towards change from my DSLR. I like the feel of Fujifilm cameras too. How much do you notice the weight change?
A lot, Rebecca. It’s been incredibly liberating wandering around with just my X-H1 and 100-400mm on a Black Rapid strap. All of my Fujifilm gear amounts to less weight than just one of the Nikon camera and lens combinations I used previously and not nearly as much need for my tripod and head either.
I spent a day with Alan on some one to one tuition on the Farne Island. Alans knoweldge of the species he photographs, the geography of the Farne Islands, the fieldcraft – he can predict what a puffin is going to do next!!! His knowledge of tihs eco-system is superband he was a fantastic photography teacher. My phtoographs are absolutely amazing thank’s to Alan changing the way I use focusing and exposure. Everything makes sense now and it’s changed my wildlife photography for ever.
Now if that wasn’t fantastic in itself, Alan agreed to meet up with me the next day in Newcastle as I’d asked a lot of questions about his move to Fuji cameras and we didn’t really have time to talk in detail about it. I’m also sick of carrying around my big slr and lense. Alan discussed what he likes about the system, he brought his cameras along for me to try with my memory cards inside and allowed me to use them. He talked about the pros and cons of mirrorless and why he decided it was time to change. He showed me how his cameras are set up and how the Fuji cameras work. He didn’t have to do any of this but it was very good of him. I’m very interested in these cameras now, I can see exactly why Alan decided to change. The quality of the 100-400 lens is brilliant, even with a converter. Thank you so much for your time Alan, you are one in a billion!
Most people know if there’s a beer on offer then I’m there! Thank you for coming to my blog and taking the time to write this lovely comment Anita, it’s much appreciated. We had a great day on the Farnes and it was great to see some of your images on the computer the next day, remember – protect those highlights! Well, maybe you’ll never forget that bit….
Please do feel free to keep in touch and ask me any questions about what we discussed on the Farnes with the cameras or if you have any more questions about the Fujifilm system.
best regards.
Excellent review Alan and thanks for taking the time you share with us all. I’ve got a 7d mark 2 and 100-400ii……would the xt2 really be an improvement? You’ve got me thinking though and you’re quite correct about LCE, John and the chaps are great at their jobs there.
Thanks Matthew, I’m not sure if you would find it an improvement or not. It depends on how you find the 7dm2 and 100-400. Both are incredibly good but where the Fujifilm shines is the lighter weight and the quality with the 1.4x attached.
Hi Mark, the AF system in the X-T2 and the X-H1 is very capable but it needs a bit of thought, experimentation and fine tuning to match what you are photographing. I’m happy to chat about my own settings and will probably do a blog at a later date. In the meantime, feel free to email me and I’ll let you know what I am using.
I changed from Canon to Fuji because of weight primarily and have enjoyed most of the experience so far. My problems are in low light when I have to whack the ISO up, or with wildlife. I don’t think the current Fuji sensor handles low light very well – either that or it doesn’t handle high ISO very well, it’s one or t’other. Would you share your BIF thoughts with us please Alan. Your blog so far is very enlightening thanks.
A couple of people have asked so I may do a seperate blog on fast action AF settings.
Your review is exactly what I’ve been looking for, so thank you for such a comprehensive narrative.
My journey couldn’t be more different have owned the T1/2 and next week the X-T3. I also own a Nikon D500 with the 300mm f4 PF, 80-400mm VRII and a Sigma 150-600mm. However for a while in 2017 I swopped my excellent Nikon 80-400mm for a Fuji 100-400mm. After trials, tribulations and much annoyance I sold the Fuji and bought back my Nikon 80-400mm! Why? I was used to varying distances on all my Nikon’s and Sigma and when refocusing from a distant bird to one quite close used to the AF system just locking immediately onto the nearer subject. The Fuji just wouldn’t do this, I had to refocus manually as close as possible, then half press the shutter to lock focus! By which time the bird had flown.
It seems you have mastered these issues, could it be that soon after selling the Fuji they brought out a major firmware update to the X-T2 and that fixed it, I don’t know.
Having read your story, I feel confident to buy the X-T3 and the 100-400mmm lens. If successful I will then ditch the Nikon’s all together.
So, thank you for helping me with this journey. – Richard
Thanks Richard, I hope it all works out for you.
Hello Alan,
Great blog, I agree completely about Fuji. I appreciate your insight and knowledge. I have worked as a Pro with Nikons in 35mm and Digital for the past 35 years and each and every model had some feature/update I enjoyed or appreciated. I still own a complete F2 system (talk about heavy and slow) that I shoot and enjoy when taking photos.
Several years ago I built a Fuji system, to supplement my Nikon DSLR’s, then traded it to buy a D500, grip and all the bells and whistles. I shoot Nikons everyday for work and wanted a better tool for my off duty shooting. I moved back to Fuji and realized how much I was missing. I picked up a used X-T1 and grip that rekindled my appreciation. The X-T1 is a nice piece of equipment that is more than capable for most casual/semi- pro photographers. I just picked up an X-T3 and am incredibly impressed with this amazing machine, that blows the D500 and the new Z series out of the water in all respects. My D500 will be sold to help offset the price of a Fuji 100-400mm.
I feel sorry for the nay sayers, and those with negative comments about making the switch to Fuji or any Mirrorless camera system. I believe they do not know what they are missing and are too narrow minded to think outside their personal comfort zones. What a shame…
Thank you!!
Thanks for adding your thoughts Don, I thoroughly enjoy using the cameras too! Way more than I did with my Nikon equipment.
Thanks for this review Alan.
I am almost at the change point from Canon 5D/4 to the X-T3 and kit lens to start with.
Hopefully will get rid of all Canon equipment in time.
It’s a bit sad that you spend your time writing reviews and helping people, then people abuse you like William above, sad folk.
Have you had time to do the auto focus blog you mention?
Thanks again
Not yet Mike, but thanks for your support.
Thanks for this blog post. I’ve been on the fence about getting the 100-400 because A) I’ve never had such a long lens and don’t shoot much wildlife and B) couldn’t find sample images that matched everyone’s description as “tack sharp” or “razor sharp.” I would read that and then look at the images (which I realize are compressed for web), and they were always soft. Every time. Yours finally proved to me that there isn’t a sacrifice, and that ‘critter detail’ doesn’t need to be compromised because of focal length. Appreciate you giving me the boost of confidence in this lens. Now I’ve got to decide if I actually drop the dough. Thanks for your sharing your talent and findings.
Thanks Christopher, let me know how you find it.
Hello Alan,
Just come across your website after a heads up from the folk at London Camera Exchange in Newcastle. I am using a similar Fujifilm set-up (X-H1 and X-T2 with 100-400 plus extender) and at times trying to photograph wildlife from woodland hides where I am usually at iso 1600 and above. As an enthusiast I am happy with my results so far but was wondering whether you find this iso value works out for prints and publication at a professional level?
Hi Andy, I’ve had work published up at ISO3200 but I tend to try and work in better light for that sort of stuff.
Hi, Alan! It’s informative to read your review and know about your thoghts on X-H1, T2 and 100-400. Thanks!
I’ve been looking at T3 (and now X-H1) of Fuji, D500 of Nikon and A9 of Sony and confused as to what to choose.
I’ve been using Pentax K-1II and its 150-450 zoom, and not satisfied with its 6.4 fps when APSC mode is used, though the image quality is very good. Could you say a bit more about your choice of X-H1 over T3?
Best regards and thank you in advance!
Hello, thank you. I bought the X-H1 as soon as it became available in the UK (I was set to buy an additional X-T2), this was quite some time before the X-T3 was announced. It’s hard to say if I would prefer a X-T3 over the X-H1, for additional AF imporovement, yes but for my ergonomic preferences, probably not. We may see a X-H2 though! The X-T3 in a X-H1 body?
Hi Alan
I have been doing reading on the Fuji system over the past year and tested the X-T2 but had some reservations. I also shoot Nikon and currently have D5, D750, D500 and 200-400 f4. 80-400 (for travelling light???) 70-200f4, 24-120f4. all this weigh 12Kg with extras. Compared to looking at X-H1, X-T3, 100-400, 50-140 and 18-135 with extras and grips of 5Kg. Not only this but I find with every new camera DSLR there is the need for lens/body calibration. I find less inspired to take this heavy gear after 40yrs of photography to get out and shoot. I travel a lot to east and west africa for business and have the opportunity to visit all the reserves but the heavy equipment is a major issue. I was waiting for someone like you who has had real world travelling and shooting wildlife in Africa with the Fuji system. My only question is if a X-T3 and X-H1 combination or 2 X-H1’s would be a better fir. I also do landscapes and travel photography when traveling to Europe when I normally take 1 body and 1 lens. Therefore my feel for the 18-135 rather than the 18-55? I appreciate your advice.
Hi Jakes, I can only speak of my own experiences. I’ve found travelling with the Fujifilm kit much easier, especially when flying. A lighter bag can only be a good thing! I currently use the X-T2 and X-H1. I do prefer the ergonomics of the X-H1, especially with the larger heavier lenses like the 100-400mm and 50-140mm. I’ve had limited experience with the X-T3 but the AF improvements were noticeable. I haven’t had one long enough to be able to determine how much I would prefer using it over the X-H1 though. If I was you, I’d go X-T3 and X-H1 rather than two X-H1s.
Nice blog post. Well written, constructed and thought out. Stunning images. I appreciate your work and your thoughts on moving to fuji. I too have just moved over. Been using a 6d for landscape and portraiture with a variety of lenses(135mm f2, 35mm 1.8, 70-200 f4, 24-70mm f2.8). Heavy, heavy, heavy. Never felt like dragging the gear out. Stopped me from shooting plenty of times.
I currently live in Japan. Surprisingly, the XH1 is still pretty expensive here. The recent price reduction of the xh1 in the USA ($999) with battery grip seriously tempted me. With taxes and shipping, it was still significantly cheaper(120,000JPY which is roughly $1150usd). I was very close to purchasing the XH1, but decided to go for a used xt2 with batteries, grip(not battery grip) and a few other accessories. Very good condition. The Japanese really look after stuff like this here. Hardly any actuations also. Cost me about $700usd.
My question is, is the XH1 worth the extra $450? It would be new. But I feel moving into fuji, and the XT2 being so similar to the xh1, it was the right move. This way also, I can invest in glass and potentially buy an XH1 later.
I hope i made the right call.
I do enjoy using my X-T2 and I often use it with my 50-140mm alongside the X-H1 and the 100-400mm.
That said, I prefer the handling and ergonomics of the X-H1 for the constant nature wildlife photography can be when we’re in the middle of some action. I find the set up to be more intuitive.
Hi Alan. I am in process of changing from Nikon to Fuji. Intimidating process after having used the equipment for so long. After testing the Nikon Z system and looking at the exponential cost increase of the Full Frame ML systems and with due respect having to buy Zoom lenses with Max aperture of f6.2 and 7.1 At prices double the 3rd party lenses on these crazy expensive bodies.. your blog and work inspired me to test Fuji. Coming from film days it is almost nostalgic handling the system. I am nervously exited to start a new phase in photography. Ligher with less gear. Travel light, shoot more
Thanks for getting in touch Jacobus, good luck and let me know how you get on!
Hi Alan. I changed to Fuji XH1 and XT4 with 100-400 and 50-140. Trip to KNP here in SA like I do 2-3 times a year. I had fantastic sightings and shot some amazing images. IQ was very good. Unfortunately about midway into the trip the 100-400 started to develop focus problems and with week to go lens was useless. Came back. Had another trip due with a friend/client. Bought a Sony a9 and 200-600. Great trip, magic focus, so I thought… Long story decided to sell Sony stuff bought used so managed to recover most money. Got the Fuji 100-400 replaced and 8 months later I have another trip using Fuji. Find I like the XH1 more than XT4. The ergonomics are better and handling fantastic. XT4 have some focus benefits. Hope the new XH2 will come in the same format.
Yes, I do still prefer the handling of the X-H1 especially with a heavier lens and despite the tech of the X-T4. When I’m working more slowly, like a landscape for example, I often opt for my X-T2 instead!
This may be a long forgotten thread ;-). I saw this today when I was researching what was wrong with my using X-T2 with XF100-400.
I was a SONY shooter (DSLR-A580, SAL70-300G, SAL16-80CZ) when in 2012 got into Fuji world with Fujifilm X-S1. Still for action, BIFs I relied on SONY.
Bitten by Fuji colours and sharpness, splurged on a X-E2 with that ” awesome kit lens” and XF55-200 in late 2013. My bad back also told me to shed SONY (though I could not sell my lenses) and go with Fujifilm for the light weight kit. Did not bother to upgrade my camera for a long time and got a XF100-400 in 2018. Since then was out of photography for quite sometime thanks to family reasons then COVID and travel restrictions.
When I tried the XF100-400 post COVID years I felt something lacking. Yeah, the AF on X-E2 that I never bothered about. Ended up getting a brand new X-T2 last year at a huge discount. Couldn’t think of looking at X-T5 or X-H2 due to the budget.
I could not get much success with BIF using XF100-400 on X-T2.
When I looked through my old photos, on SONY DSLR-A580 with SAL70-300G, BIF seemed a breeze. Never had to learn anything. With no SONY body with me my lens is safe in the box. On seeing my SONY BIF photos, the itch to get another A mount (used) was mounting and ended up looking at a “as New” A580. Still kept searching for positive things on X-T2 + XF100-400 before I spent on A580 and landed up on your account on the combo.
Your photos tell me that I am doing something not right with my X-T2 – XF100-400 combo. Don’t want to add a grip and increase the bulk. Other than that what could I do to my settings, AF mode etc? Aiming to get a similar output as the BIFs I linked to my Flickr above.