On our Isle of Skye ‘Highlands & Eagles’ trip, I spotted this Northern Diver taking to flight as we passed by in the boat looking for white-tailed sea eagles.

I was using the Fujifilm X-H2S with the XF100-400 at 30 frames per second. On finding focus, I took 40 shots in a rapid burst. I deicided to place 34 of them together in a composite. The final 6 were not useable as the bird began to turn away.

The original full composite measures 63,332 pixels wide and 3,010 high! It’s not really practical to use that sort of image size via the internet, so I’ve shrunk it down to a more manageable size. It’s still too big to view using my website’s design so it’s linked externally, click the super small version below (image opens in a new window!).

Northern diver 34 shot composite